Underground, undermud

I’ve been illustrating and animating the hair cells of the cochlea for work and for fun. The outer hair cells, which are also found in the semicircular canals, are designed to communicate and physically vibrate up to about 40 KC, possibly up to 100 KC.

Steinheil’s ground telegraphy was DC, much like Morse except that he used both polarities.

The WW1 French ground telegraphy used electrostatic waves in the low audio range, about 200 cycles.

In 1948, government studies on communicating with mines found a peak around 40 KC and a stronger peak around 80 KC. They were working in the Montour mines near Pittsburgh.

The underground transmitter:

The aboveground receiver:

The freq response:

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Radio fish communicate around 40 KC, in order to feed and mate and fight in muddy water.

The fish use high-freq hair cells in their receiver:

The fish found the same peak that the mine researchers did, and designed their antennas and receivers for best resonance at that peak.

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Bacteria appear to have started in deep rocks, both dry and wet. Do they use the same band? Hard to tell from existing studies.

Luc Montagnier did some experiments on the subject in 2009. The PDF of his article includes blurry pictures of spectrograms, such that I can’t read the freqs of the peaks, and he doesn’t mention the freqs in the text. Other accounts indicate that Montagnier found a good response at a very low 7 cycles.

Montagnier was mainly interested in the mechanism used by DNA to generate the waves. He wasn’t thinking about two-way communication. He was doing a stimulus-response method, exposing bacteria to various freqs and checking for RFID, much like Oto-Acoustic Emissions.

We have discovered a novel property of DNA, that is the capacity of some sequences to emit electromagnetic waves in resonance after excitation by the ambient electromagnetic background. Experiments to be reported elsewhere indeed indicate that this detection applies also at the scale of the human body: we have detected the same EMS in the plasma and in the DNA extracted from the plasma of patients suffering of Alzheimer, Parkinson disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. This would suggest that bacterial infections are present in these diseases.

According to other sources, Montagnier won a Nobel for previous work and then lost his prestige for taking this work “too seriously”. The pill pushers haven’t stopped hating electrotherapy, even after ALL of the old findings have been “re”discovered and turned into good and profitable medical services.

Work in this area continues sporadically despite the loss of prestige.

This 2011 paper speculates on possible bacterial radio.

This 2013 study was looking into possible curative effects, and used a word that might explain why Montagnier was deplatformed:

Living cells and tissues are capable of generating EM waves in their physiological conditions. When a cell deviates from its physiological state, in addition to normal EM emissions, it starts to produce EM waves with altered characteristics. According to our model, the main cause of the therapeutic effects of homeopathic remedies is the occurrence of resonance between the non-physiological EM waves of the patient and extremely low-frequency EM waves produced by nanostructures present in the homeopathic remedy. Resonance occurs if the frequency and amplitude characteristics of the patient’s non-physiological EM waves and those produced by nanostructures of the applied homeopathic remedy are similar. Once resonance occurs, stimulation of the patient’s sensory neurons, which are sensitized due to inflammation of any origin, leads to triggering of different regulatory mechanisms, including the activation of descending antinociceptive and/or cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathways, which leads to the restoration of homeostasis.


Homeopathy is anathema and heresy UNLESS it’s used by Correct Persons. A homeopathic microquantity of CO2 in the atmosphere can destroy the universe. In this context homeopathy is a COMMAND. When spoken by Incorrect Persons homeopathy is a CRIME.

BUT: this 2021 article published by NIH implies that homeopathy is starting to regain its older standing, even in some establishment circles.

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Well, I didn’t find an answer to my original question about bacterial resonance. Touring this rabbit hole, or fishing hole, showed me that an orthodoxy is starting to break down, with confusion along the way.

And that’s a good thing.
